I worry when people dismiss the shenanigans of politicians saying they are silly. crazy or the like. I’ve heard similar things about evil figures of the past like Hitler or Stalin, and it’s really to worry that people don’t realize that the so called “insane” people of the present can be just as damaging as those butchers were in the past.
President Trump is often described as crazy in the media, when they don’t have or they don’t dare to use the right adjectives for his actions, but it’s easier to pretext insanity when you should write populist, non democratic, racist, male chauvinist, and other terms which have been considered derogatory or plainly insulting until now. Crazy is better than ultra-conservative, but Mr. Trump is trying to implement the radical policies of the Republican Party, or better, the policies of the most extreme section of the same, and that’s far from insanity. He and his cronies have a clear purpose, they are pursuing all their goals and they will go on as far as they are allowed to.
Some crazy people harm others because they are delusional and misinterpret reality, but most psychiatric patients only harm themselves and hardly ever arrive to positions of power. When somebody like Mr. Trump is in the White House is because he has cleverly striven to be there, helped by a considerable group of people like him, and elected by millions of voters who are not always as stupid as the other believe; many Trump voters are just as racist, white male supremacist and conservative as he is, even worse, and they have elected him to do exactly what he is doing.
Ignorance in the case of presidents is a combination of arrogance and irresponsibility, certainly not craziness: they don’t want to take advice from the experts who fill universities and think tanks, and act according to their close flatterers or supporters. They cannot excuse their political misconduct claiming ignorance, because in most cases they knew too well the consequences or possible dangers of their decisions.
Trump is not crazy, he’s a vulgar populist politician fighting for his and his cronies own benefit, and just like other figures of the past he has managed to convince a few millions of disgruntled voters to believe he is their savior. Unfortunately they will take a long time to realize he’s just the opposite.